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Works In Progress
It takes about a year for me for me to write a manuscript and then at least another year for that manuscript to become a book - there are all those wonderful illustrations to be created, of course, but there's also editing and typesetting and layout and design to be done, all before the actual printing. Here's a sneak peek at some stories that are coming up...


I have started writing a new series! It will be about a boy named Waylon, and if you've read the Clementine books, you've already met him. He was the "scienciest" boy in her third grade class, and when we meet him in the new series, he'll be a fourth grader - still sciency, still interested in superpowers, still funny, and best of all, still friends with Clementine! Stay tuned to this page for more news about the Waylon books, which will be illustrated by the amazing Marla Frazee and will come out from Disney Hyperion - APRIL 2016!

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